Company Profile

February 1947 Established in Tonosho-machi, Katori-gun, Chiba Prefecture.
May 1950 Relocated to Musashino City, Tokyo. Operated as Musashino Natto Manufacturing Factory.
December 1960 Relocated to Kodaira City, Tokyo.
April 1967 Changed the company name to Sugaya Foods, Ltd.
June 1986 Relocated the factory and headquarters to Ome City, Tokyo.
March 1989 Began manufacturing “Sekishitsu Sumibi-zukuri Natto” (natto fermented with charcoal fire in a stone chamber).
February 1999 Won the Excellence Award at the “4th National Natto Competition.”
March 1999 Began manufacturing “Oedo Seiro-mushi Natto” (edo-style natto steamed in a steaming basket).
February 2001 Received the organic JAS certification of JONA.
February 2005 Won the Excellence Award at the “10th National Natto Competition.”
April 2008 Began using eco-friendly containers (bagasse).